5 Ways to Grow Your Online Presence in 2018

Getting noticed online is getting harder but for those who are consistent, it gets easier with time. Over the years I have had long periods of consistency followed by dry spells. I have a modest following on most of my social media channels. My goal this year is to grow my online presence by consistently producing quality content. I came up with these 5 ways to Grow Your Online Presence.

Grow Your Online Presence

  1. Determine Your Message: It is easy to bounce from topic to topic but that can cause confusion. I recommend sticking to a topic or a small group of related topics so your message remains clear and focused.
  2. Choose Your Platform(s): You don’t have to post your content everywhere. Look at each platform and determine what your audience looks like there. Your audience may look different on Instagram compared to Linkedin. Make sure you are speaking the language of your audience even if you have to generate specific content for each platform.
  3. Share Your Knowledge: Don’t be afraid to share what you know with potential clients or customers. They can find just about anything they want online anyway, so why not be the one informing them. This also helps with top-of-mind awareness.
  4. Be Consistent: You will be rewarded for producing content consistently. I have not been the best at doing this for Hill Media Group, but I have for a couple of my other projects, which continue to grow. Your audience will start to grow as they expect to be continuously educated by you. By consistently producing content for them to consume, you remain at the top of their minds when it comes time for them to need your services or to refer a friend.
  5. Invest in Growth: The more you invest in yourself, the more ideas you will have for sharing with your audience. I get my best ideas from books, blogs, videos, and podcasts that I consume. I stay on the bleeding edge of my industry by expanding my knowledge of my own industry. By doing that, I constantly have new ideas and topics for videos, blogs, and podcasts.

Check out the video where I go more into detail on 5 Ways to Grow Your Online Presence in 2018

Growing your online presence takes time but the payouts go to those who are consistent and set themselves apart from the others. It takes time and dedication to stick to it, but the rewards are worth it.

How can we help you reach your online marketing goals? Comment below or get in touch if we can help in any way.

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