Signs You Are Doing Facebook Wrong

Since Facebook’s rise, businesses have tried to harness the attention of it’s users to market their products and services. This is not a new tactic as people have been trying to market their wares to others since the beginning of civilization. The problem businesses are finding out the hard way is that today’s modern consumer does not want to be marketed to, especially on their social networks.

Like our Special!
It is extremely tempting to login to Facebook each day to post your specials or latest press release and call it a day, but that is now how you win “Likes.” As fantastic as your special or press release might be, people are not just sitting there waiting to “like” and “share” those type of posts. Think about your own behaviors on Facebook, when you see ads, do you click like? Probably not.

Instead of posting your boring special, why not turn it into something fun. Take a picture of a customer enjoying whatever it is that is on special and post that, along with a short line like, “Check out one of our regular customers Sally enjoying our special of the week!” This turns a dry attempt at sharing a special into a showcase of someone enjoying your product, while at the same time getting it on special this week. Give people something engaging to see while they are scrolling down their Facebook News Feed. Too many boring marketing posts and they will find their way to the “Unlike” button.

Too long, Didn’t read
Are you drowning your fans in text? You have heard the phrase, “less is more,” and this is the mantra of the social media age. We scroll through our Facebook news feed at the speed of light looking for something interesting. Even if your post is interesting, people don’t typically take the time to read long posts when using social networks. A tip may be to save the longer posts for your website and post a link to it on your Facebook page with a short two sentence synopsis of the post. Make the social media post short and inviting; something that will make them bookmark the link to read later.

Drowned in Stock Photography
We have phones in our cameras 😉 Photography is more a part of our lives than ever before. We take pictures without even thinking about it. It’s so easy to do. Why would you drown your customers in stock photography when you could easily show them how different your company is from the competition. Photos and even video, do not have to be perfect. Cell phone photos and videos are acceptable forms of media these days. News publications even use cell phone photography in major stories.

Instead of using the same stock photography that everybody in your industry uses, take a few photos or videos of your own and share them with your content. Instead of just posting an update to Facebook, post it with a photo.

The Cure-all: Be Personal
You are probably getting the idea by now. Social Media is about personality and showcasing your company’s unique attributes to the world. Your business is not the same as your competitors’. Your business has you and your employees. It has your beliefs and your years of expertise. It has your stories of things you have seen, the kind of things you tell people at dinner parties. It has your customers. You can easily find things to post and share that are interesting and fun, things that people would stop and read.

Most businesses are stuck in a rut posting boring content that people scroll right past. I see that as a chance to set myself and my business apart from the rest of my competition. People are watching as they scroll past updates. Give them something intriguing to read and share with others, something that empowers them with information and puts them in the know. Start conversations that people can take part in through comments.

If you are just getting started with Facebook, check out the free course I posted on Udemy.Com. Link:

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